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Introduction of the double clear duty of the first air freight of the British FBA

     Guanghe international logistics cooperates with foreign professional agents and delivery companies directly. It can provide customs clearance and delivery services from Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Hong Kong to Europe, UK and US Amazon FBA warehouses. The requirements for the goods to be sent to Amazon warehouse are high. Amazon has made more than ten regulations on the transportation to its warehouse. Our company and foreign agents have kept the Amazon warehouse regulations in mind and put them into action. We have successfully provided air to door service for many Amazon customers in the UK.

The landing and delivery scope of the British Amazon FBA Air Canada includes Dunfermline, Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, Swansea, gourock and so on

Petersburg (Peter borough), Doncaster, rugeley, etc Domain.

Air freight to the UK

It can provide Shenzhen / Guangzhou / Hong Kong direct flights with a time limit of 7-12 days.

Guanghe international logistics service advantages

1. Safe and secure delivery of goods from China to Amazon warehouses.

2. Help to deal with customs clearance and tax issues, reduce customs clearance problems and the resulting returns.

3. Provide unique value-added operation services, according to Amazon warehousing requirements, such as sub box, paste bar code and other operations.

4. There is a UK transfer center, which can help sellers deal with rejected items and returned abnormal goods from Amazon warehouse, so as to avoid high logistics costs of direct return to China.

Guangzhou international logistics air transportation service process

The British FBA air freight forwarder, Amazon FBA, is dispatched to the first flight of the British FBA, providing efficient and professional services and providing value-added services

1. There is no VAT / eori tax code for British air cargo, which can not be cleared. Guanghe logistics can provide VAT / eori tax number.

2. It is required that the actual weight of a single cargo of Amazon by British air freight should not exceed 30kg. Otherwise, it will affect the warehousing. If the single piece exceeds 15kg, it is necessary to label the overweight.

3. The customs is duty-free for the goods within 15kg of a single invoice and should be transported by air, only 20% of the value-added tax should be paid [(VAT = goods declaration + freight + duty) * 20%].

4. Customs tax is divided into two parts, VAT rate is 20%, calculation formula: VAT = (value of goods + duty + 0.4p * weight) * 20%, tariff duty is charged according to different products, general electronic accessories tariff is about 3%, calculation formula uty = (goods value + weight * freight unit price) * tax rate.

5. In British air cargo declaration, the standard of 5-6-7usd for general products is similar, except for products with high value. This 5-6-7 refers to the declared amount per kilogram.

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